GROW – A Business Opportunity (from the ground up)
A business person able to turn an opportunity into a profitable enterprise.
Boss (Aust) Pty Ltd is a Sunshine Coast based manufacturer of biological garden and farm inputs since 2010. The company has reached around the world and among many successes is used extensively in the world famous “Gardens by the Bay” in Singapore.
The products are unique in that they effectively replace chemical fertilisers and other products while growing a vast range of plants exceptionally well – Naturally!
Of particular note is a unique bulk refill capability that enables customers to refill their bottles for far less cost.
The added advantage is that GROW continually improves soil health which is the foundation of healthy plant growth and a sustainable environment.
Our company has been working hard to establish a wide network of retail outlets that stock the product and has implemented an innovative bulk supply program to set the product aside from all the other garden products.
This program that is explained below involves the establishment of geographically based representatives who are able to base a business on supply of the product within the defined area.

The Product
GROW is best defined as a bio-fertiliser.
It is a highly concentrated liquid derived from the best nutrient source available – poultry manure. Of course it’s manufacture and the product is much more complex and is the result of 10 years of scientific research and development.
The product has been certified by our highest organic certification body – “Australian Certified Organic” as suitable for organic growing. It has proven effective in replacing chemical and organic fertilisers with much better results and a greatly reduced price for gardeners.
The retail GROW program is supervised by our Sales Manager who has been establishing a strong network of outlets, conducting training with community groups and generally increasing acceptance of this innovative natural product.
The product branding has been developed with the aim of imparting simplicity, a sense of fun and environmental/personal health to gardening. This is in direct contrast to other products that are based on complexity, technical application and harmful chemicals.
The GROW Program
Establishing a competitive point of difference in the gardening market the GROW program has been devised to make growing organically affordable.
To achieve this, packaged product is offered to retail and wholesale outlets with attractive margins allowing the product range to be retailed competitively alongside other brands.
In addition to this we have established a system of bulk supply through “Refill Stations” located within convenient reach of customer’s homes.

This bulk product allows customers to be environmentally responsible by recycling plastic use. After they purchase their initial bottle they can return to the store or another outlets and refill for much less. This program has resulted in many customers who are benefiting from the product while spending less.
In terms of the business opportunity offered, this established retail supply business is offered to potential Area Representatives providing regular income while the business is established and other income sources generated. Such income is based on distributor to wholesale margin and represents immediate cash flow.
Other Sales Opportunities
The above retail program however is just one part of the business opportunity.
The innovative GROW program allows representatives to develop direct sales markets.
Direct business can be very profitable as it is based purely on distributor margin direct to retail.
Direct sales should be seen to be the major part of this opportunity and establishing such sales will require drive and determination along with sound business innovation and management skills to develop.
Such direct sales might include:
- Household gardeners – where supply direct to households in either bulk or packaged form based on the Home Gas Refill supply concept.
- Local government use
- The Tourism Industry e.g. Resort garden maintenance, body corporate maintenance
- The Sports Industry such as Gold Courses, sporting Grounds
- The aged industry including aged care facilities, retirement villages and the like.
- Community markets. Numerous markets present opportunity to directly sell to the public.
- Property Developers where use of the product incorporated within garden maintenance contracts would allow them to promote sustainable gardens based on an environmentally friendly product.
- And many more. Imagination is the key.
It cannot be emphasized enough that this business opportunity will depend on developing these direct customers as the primary cash flow.
The rewards are great if the representative applies business expertise and drive to develop a wide customer base.
Thus as a prospective Area Representative you should consider this a “ground floor opportunity” where the manufacturer has done all the work developing the brand, establishing outlets and providing support.
The business of direct supply will establish success.
The Area
The GROW program will be run in the following area that encompasses our home base – the Sunshine Coast. However to ensure that there is sufficient scope to build a highly profitable business, the area also include North to Hervey Bay, West to Kilcoy and South to Caboolture.
All existing resupply business within this area will be included in this business opportunity and there is enormous scope for development of the primary direct business in this area.

What you Need?
This business opportunity requires a good understanding of building a business. The person we seek should have drive, enthusiasm and determination to explore and establish new markets.
The representative might have sales experience not necessarily in horticulture but more importantly they would be able to drive business success through application of sound business principles and determination.
As this business is new and there is much potential the initial investment is minimal. It is not a part time business as a full time effort will be required to establish.
However the representative will need to invest time and resources into building this business. It is expected that there will be a high level of personal involvement until cash flow allows employing others to manage the various components (as an example it is not expected that the representative will be able to attend all markets yet arrangements can be made with existing stall holders to gain maximum coverage).
In terms of equipment the representative should have a well presented vehicle suitable for carriage of stock (a van or station wagon) and able to tow a bulk tanker trailer (x litres).
The company can provide a branded vehicle with the representative responsible for monthly lease costs. Ownership of this vehicle is possible as cash flow allows.
Other equipment, stock and collateral supplied by the company as agreed.

What next ?
If this initial information excites you then let’s meet and discuss further. In this case please use the Application Enquiry Form below to contact me.
Danny Hood
GM/CEOBoss (Aust) Pty Ltd